Let’s Plant Perennials!

It’s nice out today. It looks like it could be nice all week. This means perennial planting time! The cool temperatures give perennials a chance to get established before the hot, hot, hot arrives.  Pick the proper spot for the plant, shade plants in shade, sun lovers in sun and make sure the site will drain well. Plants don’t like wet feet, so we need to give them the right place for their needs. Let plants get established for 3-4 weeks and then feed them.  Any all purpose fertilizer will do. I like Plant Tone and Garden Tone from Espoma. The Espoma brand is organic and all my plants do well with either Plant Tone or Garden Tone.

 Nancy lives in Carver and works with  Mike and Margaret in the shops and greenhouses. She looks after the webpage and social media and does a bit of photography. 