SuperSecretSales and Pop-Up Sales…

SuperSecretSales and Pop-Up Sales

Crystal Lake Garden Shop

Here at Crystal Lake, we often offer SuperSecretSales

SuperSecretSales are not really secret, we tell everyone, it’s just a catchy phrase we use. The sales are pretty catchy too and each one is a great value.  They are the best and the nicest of our plants and we want to share these with you because they are fabulous! We post these sales all over social media and our website, and we tell every person we come in contact with about them! SuperSecretSales are great because we know when they will happen and can tell everybody.

Can't wait for Spring 2016!
Love this color.

Today we made up a new sale category, The Pop-Up Sale!

Pop-Sales are a spur of the moment kind of sale, not planned, so they can happen at any time. Generally, we have all our ducks in a row, we keep ourselves on track and we have all our sales and events planned well in advance. But then life happens and we realize we have some really great stuff that needs a home. A Pop-Up Sale could be anything! It may be offered at a discounted price or it might be a Buy One Get One offer. You never know.  We probably won’t post them on Facebook because we’re just running around crazy and realize there is something wonderful that you might like. So we’ll gather the plants together, throw up a sign and if you happen to stop by, you’ll  run into a Pop-Up Sale!

A Pop-Up Sale could be a BOGO offer!